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DDEL Committees


The Membership and Subdivisions committee is charged with promoting activities designed to serve the need of Division's and Subdivision's members.


The Membership and Subdivisions committee is responsible for supporting CEC in membership renewals and maintaining an active recruitment program for the recruitment of new members.


The Membership and Subdivisions committee will foster the participation of members in activities of DDEL and assume responsibility for other activities pertaining to membership as assigned by the Executive Board.  

The Publications committee is charged with reviewing the publications structure of the division and recommending policies and procedures related to its growth and development.


The Publications committee develops policies regarding the content and operations of division publications in collaboration with journal and newsletter editors.


The Publications committee is responsible for publishing the newsletter and division journal at regular intervals. The major function of the newsletter is to disseminate information concerning international, state/provincial, and local divisional affairs to the membership. The purpose of the journal is to publish articles of scholarly research and position papers on topics of interest to the members of the Division.


It is expected that the Publications committee assume responsibility for other activities pertaining to publications of the Division, as assigned by the Executive Board.  

The Professional Development committee is charged with making and implementing recommendations relative to programs for professional development. Such recommendations can include the locations of conferences/conventions, symposia or other professional development activities, themes for conferences/conventions/symposia, topical priorities for programs, and formats for programs.


The Professional Development committee is responsible for assuring that all professional development activities and conferences are evaluated and assume responsibility for implementing divisional policies pertaining to managing and accounting for finances related to professional development activities.


It is expected that the Professional Development committee will assume responsibility for all other activities pertaining to professional development as assigned by the Executive Board.  

The Governmental Relations committee is charged with keeping the DDEL Executive Board apprised of matters pertaining to the governance of CEC and to federal legislation, regulation, and policy matters related to culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional learners.


The Governmental Relations committee serves as the DDEL's liaison with other organizations/associations on matters pertaining to federal legislation, regulation and policy matters related to culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional learners.


The responsibilities of the Governmental Relations committee include but are not limited to: It is expected that the Governmental Relations committee will assume responsibility for other activities related to governmental relations, as assigned by the Executive Board.  

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee is responsible for reviewing and evaluating the Division's constitution and bylaws and call to the attention of the Executive Board changes that may be needed.


It is expected that the Constitution and Bylaws Committee will assume responsibility for other activities pertaining to the constitution and bylaws, as assigned by the Executive Board.

DDEL Constitution and Bylaws

The Finance committee is charged with making recommendations related to the financial affairs of the Division.


The responsibilities of the Finance committee are to develop and revise, as necessary, guidelines for the following activities:

  1. Accounting and bookkeeping procedures for funds of the Division, including those related to professional development activities;
  2. Developing and revising, as necessary, guidelines for providing reimbursement to members for expenses incurred when performing function to the Division;
  3. Assisting the President Elect in preparing the annual budget;
  4. Making recommendations to the Executive Board regarding fundraising activities;
  5. Preparing financial reports.


It is expected that the Finance committee will assume responsibility for other activities related to governmental relations, as assigned by the Executive Board.  

The Research and Professional Issues committee is charged with making recommendations to the Executive Board on matters pertaining to research and professional issues regarding culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional learners and their families.


The responsibilities of the Research and Professional Issues committee include but are not limited to:

  1. Make recommendations to the Executive Board on matters pertaining to research and professional issues regarding culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional learners and their families;
  2. Apprise the membership of research and issues of particular concern to the Division;
  3. Study emerging professional issues pertaining to the preparation of personnel to educate culturally and linguistically exceptional learners;
  4. Submit suggestions for topics/themes to the Professional Development Committee;
  5. Propose and coordinate research activities involving members of the Division and collaborate with other divisions/organizations/associations on research in areas of interest to the members of DDEL;
  6. Submit annual reports summarizing current research and professional issues and making recommendations on these matters to the Executive Board; and
  7. Assume responsibility for other activities related to research and professional issues, as assigned by the Executive Board.  

The Nominations and Elections committee is charged with the responsibility pertaining to solicitation of nominations and management of elections within the Division. The Committee notifies candidates of results of their respective contests and announces election results at the annual business meeting held in conjunction with the annual CEC Convention.


The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for preparing reports for presentation at the meetings of the Executive Board and the annual business meeting, and maintaining and updating policies related to nominations and elections.


It is expected that the Nominations and Elections committee will assume responsibility for other activities pertaining to the nominations and elections, as assigned by the Executive Board.  

Last Updated:  22 October, 2024

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